
2017年5月17日—TheBigBlueButtonprojectispleasedtoannounceadeveloperreleaseoftheHTML5client.TheHTML5clientusesJavaScriptandsupportfor ..., ...,2021年3月15日—Toassistwithmonitoringanddebugging,theHTML5clientcansenditslogstotheBigBlueButtonserverviatheloggerfunctio...

BigBlueButton HTML5 Client Developer Release

2017年5月17日 — The BigBlueButton project is pleased to announce a developer release of the HTML5 client. The HTML5 client uses JavaScript and support for ...


bigbluebutton - We have moved (and updated) our documentation to The Google Code Archive requires JavaScript ...

Configuration Files

2021年3月15日 — To assist with monitoring and debugging, the HTML5 client can send its logs to the BigBlueButton server via the logger function. Here's an ...

Development Guide

The HTML5 client in BigBlueButton is build using the framework Meteor. Meteor wraps around a NodeJS server component, MongoDB server database, React frontend ...


As a special service Fossies has tried to format the requested source page into HTML format using (guessed) HTML source code syntax highlighting (style: ...

How to start developing for the HTML5 client? · Issue #8943

2020年4月1日 — This is the HTML5 client code: The best spot to start ...

BigBlueButton HTML5 Client (developer release) now ...

The HTML5 client runs on BigBlueButton 1.1-RC (or later) server. In other words, the BigBlueButton server supports connections from both BigBlueButton the Flash ...

Progress on creating an HTML5 client for BigBlueButton

At the moment, our focus is to get BigBlueButton 0.81 to beta. You can expect the HTML5 client to merge into BigBlueButton core in a subsequent release after ...

BigBlueButton HTML5

All things BigBlueButton including frequently asked questions and troubleshooting tips specifically for users joining the new HTML5...

File & Image Uploader 8.4.3 免費空間批次上傳

File & Image Uploader 8.4.3 免費空間批次上傳
